Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And the Ultrasound Says....

IT'S A BOY!!! 

 Hallelujah!!! We were praying for a boy and so was Jonathan. (We love our little girl, but man, girls are definitely more high maintanence than boys). As you can tell, this little one likes to sleep during the day, his hands are crossed over his eyes and his little ankles are crossed at the bottom. Ultrasound pictures always seem to come out up and down, but this boy is actually laying with his head on my pelvic bone and his little bottom on my hip bone. We have a name picked out, but we are not 100% sure yet, so we will post that a little later on. Everything is going well with the pregnancy so far, but the doctors still don't think I will make it to my due date in June. The one plus to being high risk is that I will end up with a lot of ultrasound pictures of this little boy.


  1. Congrats! He's beautiful already!

  2. Kam and I are on the same plane. He really is beautiful! Hope you're feeling good and able to take care of your busy little ones and still get some rest.
