Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Patience is a virtue...

...And it only comes from God. Well, here I am, sitting in a hospital room, 2 o'clock in the morning, 29 weeks and 2 days pregnant, with a funneling cervix, being a human incubator, waiting for our little boy to come. How did all this happen? Tuesday morning we went in for our routine doctor's visit, and truly expecting a good report because I felt great, and then hearing the dreaded words that we have to admit you to Northside because your cervix is funneling. Song started joking saying I didn't learn my lesson the first time around with Jonathan so here we go again. Blood work drawn from both arms, steroid shots in my rear end to strengthen this little boy's lungs, an uncomfortable IV in my right hand to keep the contractions down, and a scheduled c-section when my body begins to give out. And the true hero through it all? My husband!!! Driving back and forth from the hospital, taking care of the other two (with the help of friends and family), and checking up on work in between, can I just say what a great man I have!!! Jonathan has been a real trooper through it all knowing that it is all for his little brother. HannahKate seems to know no difference at this point because she loves to go from one place to another. I love my family!!! God has truly blessed me even though I am typing this with my left hand from a hospital bed. God is in control!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow:( Praying for you and knowing your little guy will be a sweetie! Can't wait to see him!
